Centering & Restraint


Read the horoscopes below, then use the list of House topics at the end of this blog post to determine which area of your life the horoscope will affect you in!

(Don’t know your Rising Sign? Find out here!)


Venus Square Moon (6 AM)

This morning your anxieties about commitment flare up and leave you feeling like you’re getting in your own way. Center yourself on your priorities and be fair to yourself and your efforts!

How to Apply This to Your Houses:

For example, I’m a Sagittarius Rising, so this means goals in my 11th house make me feel anxious about 2nd house goals.

This could mean my friends (11th House topic) are making me feel anxious about my financial goals (2nd House topic). This happens to me a lot, especially when I feel like they are farther along than me! I tend to forget that we all have our own circumstances and priorities, and that long-term goals take time for a reason!

Aries Rising: Goals in your 7th House make you feel anxious about not reaching goals in your 10th House

Taurus Rising: Goals in your 6th House make you feel anxious about not reaching goals in your 9th House

Gemini Rising: Goals in your 5th House make you feel anxious about not reaching goals in your 8th House

Cancer Rising: Goals in your 4th House make you feel anxious about not reaching goals in your 7th House

Leo Rising: Goals in your 3rd House make you feel anxious about not reaching goals in your 6th House

Virgo Rising: Goals in your 2nd House make you feel anxious about not reaching goals in your 5th House

Libra Rising: Goals in your 1st House make you feel anxious about not reaching goals in your 4th House

Scorpio Rising: Goals in your 12th House make you feel anxious about not reaching goals in your 3rd House

Sagittarius Rising: Goals in your 11th House make you feel anxious about not reaching goals in your 2nd House

Capricorn Rising: Goals in your 10th House make you feel anxious about not reaching goals in your 1st House

Aquarius Rising: Goals in your 9th House make you feel anxious about not reaching goals in your 12th House

Pisces Rising: Goals in your 8th House make you feel anxious about not reaching goals in your 11th House


Moon Sextile Neptune (6 AM)

The dream of Neptune in Pisces is that we all get along in our communities, locally and globally. The Moon’s strong emotional restraint in Capricorn helps us reach those goals, at least temporarily!

How to Apply This to Your Houses:

For example, I’m a Sagittarius Rising, so this means that maturity in my 2nd House eliminates boundaries in my 4th House.

This could mean that financial maturity (2nd House topic) helps me get one step closer to my goal of owning a home (4th House topic).

Aries Rising: Maturity in your 10th House eliminates boundaries in your 12th House

Taurus Rising: Maturity in your 9th House eliminates boundaries in your 11th House

Gemini Rising: Maturity in your 8th House eliminates boundaries in your 10th House

Cancer Rising: Maturity in your 7th House eliminates boundaries in your 9th House

Leo Rising: Maturity in your 6th House eliminates boundaries in your 8th House

Virgo Rising: Maturity in your 5th House eliminates boundaries in your 7th House

Libra Rising: Maturity in your 4th House eliminates boundaries in your 6th House

Scorpio Rising: Maturity in your 3rd House eliminates boundaries in your 5th House

Sagittarius Rising: Maturity in your 2nd House eliminates boundaries in your 4th House

Capricorn Rising: Maturity in your 1st House eliminates boundaries in your 3rd House

Aquarius Rising: Maturity in your 12th House eliminates boundaries in your 2nd House

Pisces Rising: Maturity in your 11th House eliminates boundaries in your 1st House


Jupiter Sextile Moon (7 AM)

Jupiter in Scorpio helps us to better understand things under the surface, and this morning’s sextile with the Moon helps us feel more confident about how our understanding gives us maturity.

How to Apply This to Your Houses:

For example, I’m a Sagittarius Rising, so this means that deeper understanding in my 12th House helps be do better in my 2nd House.

This could mean that understanding something that I’ve recently discovered (12th House topic) helps me gain more financial resources or security (2nd House topic).

Aries Rising: Deeper understanding of your 8th House helps you do better in your 10th House

Taurus Rising: Deeper understanding of your 7th House helps you do better in your 9th House

Gemini Rising: Deeper understanding of your 6th House helps you do better in your 8th House

Cancer Rising: Deeper understanding of your 5th House helps you do better in your 7th House

Leo Rising: Deeper understanding of your 4th House helps you do better in your 6th House

Virgo Rising: Deeper understanding of your 3rd House helps you do better in your 5th House

Libra Rising: Deeper understanding of your 2nd House helps you do better in your 4th House

Scorpio Rising: Deeper understanding of your 1st House helps you do better in your 3rd House

Sagittarius Rising: Deeper understanding of your 12th House helps you do better in your 2nd House

Capricorn Rising: Deeper understanding of your 11th House helps you do better in your 1st House

Aquarius Rising: Deeper understanding of your 10th House helps you do better in your 12th House

Pisces Rising: Deeper understanding of your 9th House helps you do better in your 11th House


Moon Conjunct Pluto (2 PM)

While Pluto is in Capricorn, we see that the power that leaders hold can disrupt and lead to change (or sometimes chaos). The Moon joins Pluto this afternoon, making us more aware of this type of power, and giving us an opportunity to feel more than powerless to effect our own change.

How to Apply This to Your Houses:

For example, I’m a Sagittarius Rising, so this means that I will become aware of power dynamics in my 2nd House.

This could mean that I better understand the power dynamics in my own finances or budget (2nd House topic).

Aries Rising: You become aware of power dynamics in your 10th House

Taurus Rising: You become aware of power dynamics in your 9th House

Gemini Rising: You become aware of power dynamics in your 8th House

Cancer Rising: You become aware of power dynamics in your 7th House

Leo Rising: You become aware of power dynamics in your 6th House

Virgo Rising: You become aware of power dynamics in your 5th House

Libra Rising: You become aware of power dynamics in your 4th House

Scorpio Rising: You become aware of power dynamics in your 3rd House

Sagittarius Rising: You become aware of power dynamics in your 2nd House

Capricorn Rising: You become aware of power dynamics in your 1st House

Aquarius Rising: You become aware of power dynamics in your 12th House

Pisces Rising: You become aware of power dynamics in your 11th House


Sun Enters Virgo (11 PM, Lasts for a month)

Overnight we get the power of the Sun in Virgo, illuminating the ways in which we get to work. We do a lot for others, and it’s nice to be able to get recognition for this!

How to Apply This to Your Houses:

For example, I’m a Sagittarius Rising, so this means my work in my 10th House is highlighted.

This could mean that I receive recognition for my career contributions or my public service (10th House topics).

Aries Rising: Your work or service in your 6th House is highlighted

Taurus Rising: Your work or service in your 5th House is highlighted

Gemini Rising: Your work or service in your 4th House is highlighted

Cancer Rising: Your work or service in your 3rd House is highlighted

Leo Rising: Your work or service in your 2nd House is highlighted

Virgo Rising: Your work or service in your 1st House is highlighted

Libra Rising: Your work or service in your 12th House is highlighted

Scorpio Rising: Your work or service in your 11th House is highlighted

Sagittarius Rising: Your work or service in your 10th House is highlighted

Capricorn Rising: Your work or service in your 9th House is highlighted

Aquarius Rising: Your work or service in your 8th House is highlighted

Pisces Rising: Your work or service in your 7th House is highlighted



Below are the areas associated with each of the 12 “Houses” in astrology. These interpretations represent a blend of ancient and modern areas, and apply to the Rising Signs in each of the horoscopes above.

1st House represents the physical and mental self, your personality, your appearance, and the wellness of your body or mind.

2nd House represents your resources and security, money and finances, large possessions or property.

3rd House represents communication, basic learning, your local environment, traveling locally, siblings.

4th House represents your home, your family (especially your parents or your mother), your foundation, also privacy or matters that are not visible to others.

5th House represents what you create, whether that is projects, games or recreation, or even children.

6th House represents your daily routines around health, productivity, work, or the people you see every day (coworkers, especially those who you might supervise or support).

7th House represents your closest partners, including romantic partners or business partners.

8th House represents the resources or needs of others, including taking care of other people, managing other people’s affairs. Traditionally associated with death, now also associated with trust and intimacy.

9th House represents broadening your horizons, whether through education, philosophy, religion or spirituality, or traveling far distances (also meeting someone who has traveled to you from afar).

10th House represents your career or public life (can also represent your father).

11th House represents your friends, social groups, or social issues.

12th House represents hidden things, including: secrets, unexplored territory, the spiritual self or world, lost or locked things, imprisonment or enemies (traditionally).

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